Monday 21 January 2013

(NEW) Sound InSession #1: Yukon

Some days you wake up with an idea that just won't put itself back to bed no matter what. Whether it be to pay your overdue rent or finally try that special flavour of coffee at your local cafe that's been eluding you to date. In our cases here at Sound Influx, for some time we've been pondering the idea of joining the moving pictures world and filming our very own sessions.

Our sessions, we thought, would fall somewhere between the iconic TakeAwayShows of Paris and the instantly recogniseable Courtyard sessions that The Fly create. So, we put our heads together and picked up our collective cameras and head out into the streets of London in an attempt to make this pipe dream become a reality. Along the way, we met our good friend Sam Hopper who, incidentally had similar plans to us with the Woodpile Sessions and we formed an alliance.

Now all we needed was an artist. As it so happened, our friend from NY, USA, Alec also known as Yukon was making a trip over the Atlantic and was willing to make his first UK appearance with us across our nation's capital. So, we hopped onto the Waterloo and City line with him, forgetting quite how loud, bumpy and cramped said turquoise line was. What resulted was the following two videos.

1.1 - Doe Eyes

1.2 - Well Whatever Happens, Happens

Stay tuned later in the day for what happened when we (rightly) got off the Tube and travelled to east London. 

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